School Event

Cybergenius 2023-24

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Cybergenius 2022-23

Cyber  Genius, an Inter School IT  Contest is the   flagship   program   hosted  by the   ICT Department of Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao Primary School, Pune. This   contest   aims   to encourage the application and cultivation of IT skills among the students. The competitions were held in the month   of   December   2022 and Jan 2023.


This  is  the 25th  successful  year  of  Cyber Genius. The grand prize distribution ceremony was organized on 28th Feb 2023. The Chief guest was Dr. Parag Mankeekar (Founder – Director Neeti Solutions) and Guest of honour was Mr. Satyam Baranwal (Co-founder and COO Condingal).


We invited registrations from students from all the schools to participate in this popular IT event. The competitions conducted this year are as follows:


Hackathon (Group 1 for Std. I & II and Group 2 for Std. III & IV)

MS Paint (Group 1 for Std. III and Group 2 for Std. IV)

MSW Logo (for Std. IV)

Sudoku (for Std. IV)


This year Hackathon was organized online on a national level, with participation from schools across India.

As every year, the winners were awarded with trophies, medals and certificates. In addition to that, they also received Codingal T-shirt with stickers and a discount coupon of any Codingal course.

This year also Codingal (A coding education company) has joined us as the Knowledge Partner to conduct the Cyber Genius Contest.


The competition has witnessed an overwhelming response from different schools.

The Rolling trophy was won by our school, Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao Primary School and the Runners up Rolling trophy was secured by DSK School, Pune.

