
Inculcating Scientific Temperament

We aim to nurture big-thinkers, problem solvers, discoverers. We can only achieve this by encouraging curiosity and passion in the young minds of our budding scientists.

Innovatia is an initiative to inculcate scientific temper in our children’s young minds through intensively planned, age appropriate hands on activities in the scientific field. Interaction with eminent scientists will inspire and enlighten out young minds.

Innovatia movie

The program was designed on experiential learning cycle:

Experiential learning cycle

This hands-on learning allows students to achieve the highest cognitive development as it is proven to be the best learning method. The focus is on creating based on the concrete to abstract learning strategy. Our insistence on experiential learning through experiments gives children the idea of working with trial and error. Children learn from their mistakes and understand the potential gaps between theory and practice. They can also brainstorm ways to fill these gaps in new, innovative ways.

Innovatia Inauguration

Innovatia has rolled off in it’s fourth year at the Primary Section of our school and Vigyan Bhramanti in it’s second year. This year the topic Astronomy is introduced as a part of innovatia. The programme which would unfold over seven months , was inaugurated with the opening of innovatia activity schedule at the hands of Mrs. Nalini Patil, Principal SNDT college, Pune, on the 10th of August’ 2019. It was graced by the management members, Mrs. Madhuri Sahatrabudhe, Carporator , our astronomy expert Mr. Amit Purandare, the parents and the students of the school. The comparer Mrs. Aditi Abhyankar, Incharge,Innovatia briefed the audience about the program. The program began with the lighting of the lamp followed by showing the glimpses of previous year’s innovatia program in the form of PowerPoint presentation. Some parents and teachers shared their experiences. Mrs. Malati Kalmadi congratulated Mrs. Kadkol for the vast expansion of innovatia in its fourth year and introducing astronomy this year. She wished that every year innovatia would expand in leaps and bounds. Mrs. Madhuri Sahastrabuddhe, Carporator at Pune Municipal Corporation, elaborated upon the spirit of enquiry which Innovatia, Vigyan Bhramanti and astronomy promised to develop in the students and regaled the audience with a related song!

Mrs. Nalini Patil related the joyous learning that takes place during hands on experiences on conceptualizing the new things.

Our Principal explained the Innovatia program for Std III and IV, which is full of interesting, creative and thought provoking activities planned carefully to pack in fun with learning. The whole-hearted efforts in catching them young will surely craft minds with a scientific bend of thinking and a wiser future society.

Motivation Session for Innovatia

Innovatia, an ambitious endeavour introduced by Principal Mrs. Jyoti Kadkol, aims at accentuating scientific temperament among students through carefully planned, age-appropriate Science and Maths activities. It includeds Hands-on activities, A Visit to a place of scientific importance and Interactions with eminent scientists.
Motivating session for Innovatia was conducted on 25th June 2019 in our school. The main purpose to make the children aware of the various activities conducted during Innovatia.
A movie was shown on Innovatia program conducted first time in 2016-17 in our school. There were demonstration of experiments conducted by previous years’ innovatia students.
Overall it was great experience for the children and they were motivated to be a part of this program.

A tour to Bamboo Farm

We live on the most beautiful planet ‘Earth’, which has a very clean and attractive nature. Nature is our best friend. The most precious Gift given to us by GOD! Escaping away in the nature heals the mind and body and soothes our soul. It is the nature that provides us with so much of liveliness and happiness. Nature has so much to give us and in so many ways.


Nowadays, children are not exposed to the open. They are more involved into social media and indoor activities. This is not definitely where we want to head to!


Keeping this current scenario in mind, we decided introducing a nature trail, “VIGYAN BHRAMANTI”. This is an endeavour to provide hands on experience to the children so that they swing high into the cradle of nature. Today we see a lack quality time spent between the child-parent at the home front. This program would help us to take an added step towards building up the bonding and creating a rapport. The bonding not only between the child-parent but also among the teacher-child-parent outside the school.


This program would help them to explore, understand, observe and love nature.
We proudly would like to put forth that our first tour was a great success.
The children were taken to Bamboo Farm at Shedani in Mulshi Taluka on 21st Feb’20 The main places we visited there were the ‘Bamboo Plantation’ , Bamboo House and Bamboo Factory.


We all were walking through the bamboo trails, there were 28 different types of bamboo species cultivated by Mr. Satpute. The scientist, Dr. Taitaly answered all the quires raised by our little children and explained coning to their level. Children were satisfied . They came to about the whole process of bamboo cultivation to the end product of bamboo articles when we visited the factory. We enjoyed our lunch amidst the rustle of Bamboos.


This trip helped to strengthen the teacher-student bond. The students had a great time learning and enjoying the nature simultaneously.

Art and Craft

Innovatia- Rocket

Innovatia- Reading Lab

Innovatia- Maths with String Art

Innovatia- Visit to IISER

This year the innovative sessions were conducted by eminent scientists – Mr. Kiran Bhave and Dr. Raviraj Sorte.
Twenty five hands-on activities were taken by other session facilitators to develop curiosity amongst students like creating different colour shades in Fun With Colours, Science experiments under Supercool Science, String Art, Shadow Puppet and Story Telling, Guess the seed – A touch based activity under Exploring Seeds etc.
A visit to IISER was also undertaken under Innovatia this year.

Innovatia- Cast a shadow

Innovatia- Fun with Colours

Innovatia- Recycle Reuse

Innovatia- Concluding Ceremony

Like every year Innovatia closing ceremony was held on 10th Feb 2024 this year too.


Mrs. Aparna Deshpande from IISER was the chief guest for the occasion. Parents and teachers shared their feelings and experiences about Innovatia on the stage.
An enthusiastic parent and her daughter presented a small act of conversation to express their experiences during Innovatia Sessions.

Innovatia- Motivation Session

‘Innovatia’ is an initiative taken by KHS – Primary School, to promote experiential learning. Students get to learn different scientific concepts in a joyful and ‘hands on’ way, through the various activities planned by the teachers.


The sessions are conducted throughout the year for std. 3 and std. 4 students on every Saturday morning from 8.00 am to 10.00 am. To give an insight of the program to the students and to motivate them to enroll themselves for the same, an Innovatia Motivation Session was conducted in the school assembly hall on 19th June 2024. This session helped the students to know more about the fun way learning that takes place during the sessions. The experiment demonstrations by four teachers created an excitement within the students.

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