Kaveri Parenting Program

The Kaveri Parenting Program, held on December 9, 2023, marked the third session in the series and was organized by school counsellors for parents of students in 1st to 4th grade. The last two sessions addressed topics like – Parenting the alpha generation and Handling the child’s temper tantrums which also received positive response from the parents. This session, centered around ‘Bonding Styles,’ aimed to provide insights into effective bonding.  Dr. Devasena Desai, Associate Director, for Kaveri Counselling, Empowerment, and Gifted Centre, with over 30 years of experience in Counselling, graced the program. The speaker, Mrs. Shubhada Karnik, Senior Counsellor at KHS with over 13 years of experience in Counseling, led the session.


The session witnessed 47 participants. The speaker highlighted the 5 ‘T’s in parenting which are communicate with the child instead of interrogating the child, spend time with the child, showing affection through touch, maintaining transparency with the child, building trust with the child.


The importance of patience and going easy in the parenting journey was emphasized by the speaker, considering children’s awareness of family dynamics.  She also shared a bold view that even if the child seems to not do well during school they definitely do well in Life. Parents’ significant presence builds the bond with regular participation with the child and being one along with them. Parents appreciated practical tips and real-life examples, indicating a need for more hands-on parenting workshops.

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