Our school was among the first 100 schools to receive the grant for setting up ATL in school premises. The official inauguration of our well-equipped state of arts tinkering lab, took place on 9 November’2017 by hon. Mr. Pramod Chaudhari, Founder Director of Praj Industries.

In year 2017-18, our focus was to build the foundation by spreading awareness among students and teachers about ATL by organizing tinkering sessions and workshops.
To name a few workshops conducted under this initiative were ‘Design Thinking’ ’Creativity & Problem Solving’, ‘Environment-friendly innovations’, IoT, Robotics and workshops on DIY – STEM challenges.
The program ‘Tinkering with mind’ conducted by eminent scientists Dr. K.P. Mohanan and Dr. Tara Mohanan was to understand core science behind every innovative idea and encourage students think like a scientist. We also organized a special session ‘Parent-Child tinkering’ for interested parents.
In year 2018-19, conducting ATL Meet was an important initiative, with the aim to provide a common platform to all ATL schools in Maharashtra. Under the able leadership of Mrs. Pallavi Naik, we successfully organized the meet where representatives from 25 schools had participated. It was the first of its kind in India and appreciated by Niti Aayog and education ministry of Maharashtra as well.
In these 5 years, we were honoured by the presence& guidance of many eminent personalities who visited our ATL like R. Ramanan , MD AIM, Dr. Unnat Pandit Director AIM and Hemant Gadgil, Executive Director, Dassault La Fondation- India, Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni , ex. director , Vidyan ashram, Pabal.
On the science day, 28 Feb’2019, our team got opportunity to interact with Dr. Vijay Bhatkar at Bal Shikshan Mandir. Few students got the opportunity to visit ISRO, Ahmedabad and a group of students participated in solar ambassador program at IIT Bombay. They also attended workshop at IISER Pune, Dassault systemes and Infosys etc. A group of students worked on sustainability program under i-Earn India, GSD Club.
We celebrated community day to include the students from non-ATL schools to provide them exposure of tools and technologies in ATL. As a part of this initiative schools like Sarswati Vidyalaya, Karve nagar, KHS Kannada medium, Jnananprabodhini and Janata Madhyamic Vidyalaya, Javali have participated in our ATL workshops.
Academic years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 were challenging due to unprecedented situation of Covid-19 when our ATL was closed. However, we continued our tinkering activities through online platform and realised that creative ideas are not constrained to physical set up.
In those two years, our students not only participated in the competitions and won the prizes but also solved the problems around them with their innovative ideas like touchless doorbell, technology to conduct online exam without internet and Mobile Library Program (MLP) to make library books available to the students to their doorstep using web portal.
Since year 2018-19, we introduced ATL for all grades by including ATL period in the timetable. The team of teachers Mrs. Manisha Girolkar with computer background and Mrs. Swati Kale from science stream and an appointed ATL in charge Mr. Paresh Shinde from engineering background have been given the responsibility to look after ATL functionalities.
Gauri Joshi, a computer teacher also joined the team in 2020.
All teachers have completed Unbox tinkering workshops by AIM.
Other than mentoring , our ATL team was a part of ‘Tinkering Lab work-book for ATLs in India’ created by Muktangan exploratory with collaboration of Dassault Systemes. They are also leading Maharashtra cluster as a role model for ATL School in Maharashtra, the program initiated by Erhewon, orbit shift technology. Our ATL teachers have also been conducting master training program and mentoring workshops for other ATL / STEM lab instructors.
Remarkable Achievements at National Level
In year 2017-18, our focus was to build the foundation by spreading awareness among students and teachers about ATL by organizing tinkering sessions and workshops. To name a few workshops conducted under this initiative were ‘Design Thinking’ ’Creativity & Problem Solving’, ‘Environment-friendly innovations’, IoT, Robotics and workshops on DIY – STEM challenges.
The program ‘Tinkering with mind’ conducted by eminent scientists Dr. K.P. Mohanan and Dr. Tara Mohanan was to understand core science behind every innovative idea and encourage students think like a scientist. We also organized a special session ‘Parent-Child tinkering’ for interested parents.
In year 2018-19, conducting ATL Meet was an important initiative, with the aim to provide a common platform to all ATL schools in Maharashtra. Under the able leadership of Mrs. Pallavi Naik, we successfully organized the meet where representatives from 25 schools had participated. It was the first of its kind in India and appreciated by Niti Aayog and education ministry of Maharashtra as well.
In these 5 years, we were honoured by the presence& guidance of many eminent personalities who visited our ATL like R. Ramanan , MD AIM, Dr. Unnat Pandit Director AIM and Hemant Gadgil, Executive Director, Dassault La Fondation- India, Dr. Yogesh Kulkarni , ex. director , Vidyan ashram, Pabal.
On the science day, 28 Feb’2019, our team got opportunity to interact with Dr. Vijay Bhatkar at Bal Shikshan Mandir. Few students got the opportunity to visit ISRO, Ahmedabad and a group of students participated in solar ambassador program at IIT Bombay. They also attended workshop at IISER Pune, Dassault systemes and Infosys etc. A group of students worked on sustainability program under i-Earn India, GSD Club.
We celebrated community day to include the students from non-ATL schools to provide them exposure of tools and technologies in ATL. As a part of this initiative schools like Sarswati Vidyalaya, Karve nagar, KHS Kannada medium, Jnananprabodhini and Janata Madhyamic Vidyalaya, Javali have participated in our ATL workshops.
Academic years 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 were challenging due to unprecedented situation of Covid-19 when our ATL was closed. However, we continued our tinkering activities through online platform and realised that creative ideas are not constrained to physical set up.
In those two years, our students not only participated in the competitions and won the prizes but also solved the problems around them with their innovative ideas like touchless doorbell, technology to conduct online exam without internet and Mobile Library Program (MLP) to make library books available to the students to their doorstep using web portal.
Since year 2018-19, we introduced ATL for all grades by including ATL period in the timetable. The team of teachers Mrs. Manisha Girolkar with computer background and Mrs. Swati Kale from science stream and an appointed ATL in charge Mr. Paresh Shinde from engineering background have been given the responsibility to look after ATL functionalities. Gauri Joshi, a computer teacher also joined the team in 2020. All teachers have completed Unbox tinkering workshops by AIM. Other than mentoring , our ATL team was a part of ‘Tinkering Lab work-book for ATLs in India’ created by Muktangan exploratory with collaboration of Dassault Systemes. They are also leading Maharashtra cluster as a role model for ATL School in Maharashtra, the program initiated by Erhewon, orbit shift technology. Our ATL teachers have also been conducting master training program and mentoring workshops for other ATL / STEM lab instructors.
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