
Mruda Fest 2023

The aim of the activity was to educate students about different soil types, their characteristics, and their significance in agricultural practices. The activity involved various interactive sessions, hands-on exercises, and informative presentations to enhance students’ understanding of soil and its importance in sustaining life.


Our inspiration for the Mruda Fest 2023 event was:
1. Annual theme of the college *diversity*
2. This year’s independence day campaign by the central government of India *मेरी माटी मेरा देश*
3. One of the topics from 11th and 12th standard *geography syllabus*


Mr. Mrutunjay Vichare, an alumnus of our department was present as a guest for the event. He gave information regarding his work on aquifers to the student. Our principal Dr.Madhuri Chittewan was also present for the event in spite of her busy schedule . She also encouraged students with her thoughts and giving away the prizes.


1.Stone painting and selling
2. Ganpati idol making workshop.
3. PPT presentation on soil diversity.
4. Quiz on information given in PPT.
5. Tresure Hunt game
6.Prize distribution.


The soil information activity successfully educated students about soil types, their characteristics, and their significance in agricultural practices. The interactive sessions, hands-on activities, and informative presentations allowed students to grasp the diversity of soil in India and importance of soil conservation.

Tresure Hunt was the most enjoyable activity in a day.

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