
Academic Achievement

HSC Result 2024

This year, KSJC achieved an Overall Passing Percentage of 98.90%

Karan Deogaonkar – National Level Music Competition

Karan Deogaonkar of class XII-F bagged the Second Prize at ‘Sangeet Sarita National Level Music Competition and Festival 2023’

Shudh: Promise of Purity

We are happy to share the remarkable achievement of two of our XII graders Pranav Bharam and Anvay Sinkar.

HSC Result 2023

This year, KSJC achieved an Overall Passing Percentage of 96.98%

Remarkable Achievement- Scholarship by PASCH


Three students from Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao Junior College got the scholarship from PASCH (An initiative by Goethe Institute and German Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Culture) for the online JUKU (Jugendkurs- Youth Course) which will take place from 9th May 2022 to 20th May 2022.

The following students got selected after clearing the eligibility rounds.
1.  Raee Waykole
2. Asmita Banhatti
3. Shruti Pandit
These students will get an opportunity to learn German language from the natives which will help them awaken the interest and
enthusiasm for Germany, which is a rare opportunity. KSJC congratulates them all.

Raee Waykole

Asmita Banhatti

Shruti Pandit

Our school and junior college has got the PASCH membership from August 2020 to August 2023.
The “Schools: Partners for the Future”
(PASCH) initiative creates a global network of more than 2,000 PASCH schools with particular ties to Germany. The Goethe-Institut supports around 600 PASCH schools in the national education systems of over 100 countries.
Awakening interest and enthusiasm for Germany, motivating young people to learn German and creating an international network of schools – those are the aims of the PASCH initiative. PASCH stands for “Schools: Partners for the Future”.
PASCH is an initiative of the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA), the Goethe-Institut, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Educational Exchange Service (PAD) of the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Special Achievement

Ishaan Khadilkar from Std. XI A participated in the Amul Cheese Contest.
The task was to prepare a dish showcasing Amul cheese as the main ingredient and he had to do it live under 30 minutes.
After 15 days the results came out and he was in the top 10 amongst 400+ contestant.


Ishaan is the only male contestant in India in the top 10. He was invited to MasterChef studio for the meet and Greet with the MasterChef judges Vikas Khanna, Ranveer Brar and Garima Arora. He got to meet them in real life. He always dreamed of meeting them as they were his idols.
After that Ishaan got a sponsorship from a spice brand named “Living Beyond” and he had to shoot recipe videos showcasing their spices.