
Aap ki Adalat and Session by Dr. Devasena Desai

A day long session was organised for the parents of the identified Gifted students on 17th June 2023. It was facilitated by the in-house gifted facilitators and one segment by Dr. Devasena Desai, Associate Director, Kaveri Counselling, Empowerment and Gifted Centre.


The session was divided into 3 segments. First segment began with a welcome address and an ice breaker that elicited the detailed discussion on team building, which further highlighted the strength of a family when parents and students work as a team. It dealt with facets like, decision making, supporting each other in crucial times, addressing the issue together or following the leader, accepting a failure gracefully, etc. The parents and students participated in it enthusiastically.


The second segment was named Aap Ki Adaalat, wherein the set up resembled the courtroom and the concerns were shared by parents and students were discussed at length. The students and parents had to defend themselves with their opinions. The concerns like, media addiction, kids not listening to the parents, anger management and stress were discussed at length. There was a judge (counsellor) who later on was summing up with possible solutions. The objective was to make students and parents understand each other’s points of view and come up with amicable solutions that work for them. The session made them empathise and realise majorly that we all are from one side and are working as a team.


Post lunch, it was handed over to Dr. Devasena Desai, for the session on What I imbibe as a Parent , will be what my teenager will follow’. She spoke about parenting styles, communication skills, using compassionate language, dealing with anger issues and fears that parents have for their adolescents. The session gave them the insight as to where to pause, think and give the responsibility to the gifted adolescents. It turned out to be an eye opener for parents as they realised that many times the anger is displaced and they tend to react. Giving your own examples and talking about their own hardships is not the effective way instead giving relatable examples will help more while dealing with adolescents.


While, parents were engaged in this session, a parallel session was going on for students in which the causes of anger and procrastination were discussed at length.
Both the sessions then were brought to closure with a common thread of flip… which empowers them with a thought that I Can Handle.
The session went off very well, was time bound and also was appreciated and well received by the parents.

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