

Krishi Vidyan Kendra (KVK) plays a pivotal role in the National Agricultural Research System (NARS), serving as hubs for evaluating location-specific agricultural technology modules. These centers contribute to refining and demonstrating technologies, acting as Knowledge and Resource Centers that support agricultural initiatives from various sectors. They bridge the gap between
the research system and farmers, fostering improvements in the agricultural
economy of districts.


On the 30th of November 2023, ten 9th-grade students from KHSG, accompanied by a teacher and students from three other schools – City Pride, Nigdi, Dnyan Prabodini, Nigdi, and Bal Shikshan Mandir, embarked on a field visit to the Krishi Vidyan Kendra in Narayangaon. The visit comprised an insightful session and on-farm experiences, featuring Mr. Dhanesh Padwal, a Matter
Specialist, as the keynote speaker.


Session with Mr. Padwal
The session commenced with an engaging ice-breaking activity, where Mr.Padwal gauged the students’ understanding of farming and addressed their queries. He initiated the discussion by introducing the students to the ‘Panchamahabhutas,’ elucidating the significance of the five elements of nature in daily life and agricultural activities. Intriguing facts about plant growth in
relation to lunar phases were shared, leading into an exploration of the impact of climate change on agriculture.


Mr. Padwal delved into the three distinct seasons, detailing crops, climatic conditions, humidity, temperature, and rainfall associated with each. He highlighted the challenges posed by uneven rainfall distribution and resulting droughts. The session extended beyond agriculture, incorporating valuable guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The speaker advised students on a balanced diet, protein and fiber intake, and the importance of reducing sugar and processed foods. Emphasis was placed on exercising and aligning with the circadian rhythm.


The discussion expanded to cover the four types of farming practices, their advantages, and disadvantages. He discussed hybrid seeds that produce higher yields but require more inputs and protection. Mr. Padwal introduced government schemes for agriculture, including the significant role of KVKs. The four pillars of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (RND, KVK, Educational Institutes for Agriculture, and ATMA) were explained, with insights into modern
technologies like AI applications in farming, such as Hydroponics, EC, and pH innovations.


After session, the students enjoyed lunch and proceeded to the field and polyhouse. In the polyhouse, Mr. Padwal demonstrated the proper method of planting sugarcane and other plants. Some students even had the opportunity to try it themselves. The speaker showcased the use of fertilizers and organic manures, providing insights into equipment and techniques. He also
demonstrated the use of Extractors that operate on centrifugal force. He elaborated that a drum or container contains a frame basket that rotates, throwing the honey out, which is then collected at the bottom. This technique ensures that the wax comb remains undamaged within the frame and can be reused by the bees.

In conclusion, the field visit proved to be a profoundly enriching experience for the students, offering a wealth of knowledge and a broader perspective on agriculture.

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