
Gifted Katta

Date: 10th August 2024
Attendance: 15 students
Facilitators: Devika Deshpande, Smita Pradhan, Ashwini Sarpotdar, and Simran Kanhere


The final Katta for the gifted students was held on 10th August 2024.


The katta was initiated with the activity of the Google form filling by students which would reflect their feedback and opinions about the Gifted nurturing program 2023-25.


This was followed by an activity wherein a few traits were listed to the students and they were told to write the names of the persons with whom they would associate that particular trait the most.


They were also made to think and write the proportion (in percentage form) of each trait that they would want to receive from each person in their list. The objective behind this activity was introspection and a deep understanding about their own attributes which further helped them deduce their ideal self. As per our expectation, the maximum proportion was taken from friends and less was from family.


This activity led to a discussion about positive and negative emotions while appreciating people in their list and whether these emotions were tainted with feelings of envy.


We also discussed the solutions for the potential feelings of envy, such as thinking about past wins to remind yourself of your accomplishments, motivating yourself by the success stories of others, feeling grateful for what you have, and empathizing towards people whom you envy. All of this emphasized the importance of self talk, the circle of control, and fact V/s opinion.


Further, students were asked to write gratitude cards for their friends in the group stating the reason behind appreciating the other person and these cards were then handed over to the addressees. This was done to promote positivity and appreciation among the students.


They were also encouraged to do journaling every day.
Gifted students were appealed to act as mentors for academically weak students of std. XI and come up with strategies to guide students in case of difficulty.


The session ended with wholehearted assurance from students that they would join the Gifted Alumni group and share their creative ideas to organize the orientation for the new batch of Std. XI gifted students.

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