
Aastha – Assertive Communication Session

The session aimed to enhance students’ understanding and practice of assertive communication skills to foster effective interpersonal interactions. The session was facilitated by Simran Kanhere and Smita Pradhan, in- house counsellors.


The session began with an introduction to different communication styles, such as passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and assertive. The discussion followed an informal and interactive pattern, with students and facilitators coming up with fictional characters who possess these communication styles. An atmosphere of relatability and open questioning was created.


Assertiveness was defined as a communication style that respects both self and others. We contrasted assertiveness with passive and aggressive communication styles.


Further, how assertiveness promotes honesty, builds self-confidence, and strengthens relationships was discussed. Its role in conflict resolution was highlighted and the importance of expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and directly, as well as listening to understand others’ perspectives fully was emphasized.


Common challenges in assertive communication, such as fear of conflict or rejection and disappointment were addressed and the students were offered strategies to be an assertive communicator.


Further in the session, the students were engaged in a modification and role-playing activity to practice assertive communication techniques. They were divided into groups and each group was given a scenario with a set of dialogues which followed either passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive communication styles. Students were asked to modify the dialogues to make them assertive and enact the new scenarios. The students engaged in the activity with a lot of excitement and presented their work with enthusiasm.


The session concluded with a summary of key takeaways and the facilitators encouraged students to continue practicing assertive communication in their daily lives. Feedback was positive, with students expressing increased confidence in their ability to communicate assertively.

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