
Gifted Nurturing Program 2024

It was Mr. Ashwin Godbole, Alumni KSJC, a tabla Visharad, Head of Product Development at MIDC was invited to share his inspirational journey with the gifted.


The session took place on 8th June 2024.
The session was planned with an objective of inspiring and guiding these young gifted minds toward their full potential. Mr. Ashwin started talking about different people and how they are unique and therefore are gifted. He asked students who all inspire them in life, whom they look upto and what are their specific traits that they find fascinating. After getting students responses, he defined Giftedness as follows :


I – Intellect

F – Faith

T – Tenacity

E – Effectiveness of your actions

D – Determination and Dedication


Post this he emphasised on role of a mentor in your life, who can guide you and help you use your full potential. He also highlighted the value of their uniqueness, encouraging them to embrace their abilities and see them as strengths rather than isolating traits.


He shared his life at JPIP, preparation for GATE, parental frustration, life at VIT Vellore, and most importantly, moving out of comfort zone. He encouraged students to realise for themselves, what they do not like or what is it that they are not interested in.


He then also spoke about his current job at Sahayog Nirmitee and his entrepreneurial venture – Shuddhanaad.
He emphasised on how he manages to balance out both successfully.


It was quite an interactive and encouraging session. It was also extended to the gifted students from KHS Schools, which was attended by 8 students. The session was well received by the students.


He concluded by saying that it is important to be grounded, and make use of your full potential and make a positive impact on the world.

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