Mathematics Department Activity 2023

The Junior College Mathematicians’ Contributions Presentation Competition recently unfolded, showcasing the rich and diverse contributions of various mathematicians throughout history. This event aimed to inspire a deeper appreciation for the field of mathematics while highlighting the impact of individual mathematicians on the discipline.


Date and Venue: 30th Nov 2023 in Junior college A.V. Room

No. of participants: 11

Topic: Contributions of Different Mathematicians in the Field of Mathematics.


The competition began with an introductory overview of some of the most influential mathematicians, including but not limited to Euclid, Aryabhatta, Ramanujan, and others. This set the stage for the participants to delve into the specific contributions of their chosen mathematician.


Each participant passionately presented the contributions of different mathematicians. Participants explored the groundbreaking work of mathematicians’ emphasizing their impact on different branches of mathematics. They delved into the life and contributions of mathematicians. The presentations highlighted the mathematician’s enduring legacy.


After careful evaluation, the winning presentations were awarded at the hands of our respected Principal Dr. Madhuri Chittewan.


The competition not only enhanced participants’ research and presentation skills but also deepened their understanding of the diverse landscape of mathematics. It emphasized the importance of recognizing the human stories behind mathematical breakthroughs.


The Junior College Mathematicians’ Contributions Presentation Competition successfully celebrated the rich tapestry of mathematical history. Through the lens of individual mathematicians, students gained a deeper understanding of the discipline’s evolution.

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