Student Life

General rules

  1. Students MUST come in proper college uniform and they MUST wear their I. D. Cards inside the college premises. The identity card issued at the time of admission should be preserved for 2 years.
  2. Strict discipline must be maintained in the campus.
  3. Students are advised to see all the notices displayed on the different notice boards. Ignorance in this matter is no excuse.
  4. Students are advised to park their vehicles in the authorized parking space provided ONLY.
  5. Use of mobile phones in the classrooms and labs is not allowed.
  6. Parents can meet the Principal/teachers only with prior appointments.
  7. For cancellation of admission in Std XII, it is mandatory to pay half of the fee.

Dr. Kalmadi Shamarao Jr. College Timings : 11:45 AM to 5:20 PM.
 Office Working Hrs: 10:30 AM to 5.30 PM.

We prepare our students for their best performance in the HSC Board exams by ensuring regular testing. Unit tests, a terminal exam and a preliminary exam are all designed according to the Board pattern. Each internal exam allows students to self-assess their difficulties and gaps in their understanding, review changes in their performance and above all, perform better by learning from previous mistakes. They also learn time management and improve their presentation skills through this practice. These evaluations also function as a way for our teachers to gauge the effectiveness of their teaching methods. This allows them to innovate and modify teaching methods as well as to provide special attention to specific areas.

Schedule for the Examination

Month Examinations
End of July or first week of August Std. XII Unit Test
August XI Unit Test I
October–November XII and XI Terminal Exam
January XII Preliminary Exam & Unit Test II for Std XI
February first week XII Board Practical Exam
February & March XII Board Examination theory
April XI Annual Exam
Alumni Registration Form


    Welcome back!

    Your school has evolved in many ways just as you have! It gives us immense satisfaction to learn how far you have come in your lives. Your decision to stay connected with the school in whatever manner is very valuable and will indeed make a difference. We are proud of each one of you and welcome you to share the knowledge and experience you have gained with your juniors.