ICSE Affiliated School | School code MA250

For Parents

EPTA Members for the Academic Year 2024-2025

Chairperson- Principle- Ms. Reshma Deshpande

Vice Chairperson- Ms. Jui Marathe

Secretary - Ms. Sangeetha R.

Joint Secretary 1 (Parent)- Mr. Amol Borle (EPTA Parent Representative)

Joint Secretary 2 (Parent)- Ms. Snehalata Das (EPTA Teacher Representative)

Grade Teacher Representative Parent Representative
I Ms. Reshma G. Mr. Amol Borle
II Ms. Sangeetha K P Ms. Jui Marathe
III Ms. Neelaveni V Ms. Gayatri Mane
IV Ms. Bharati O Mr. Yogesh Bhutkar
V Ms. Mukta S. Ms. Lopa Mudra
VI Ms. Haritha Mr. Prashant Dabhadi
VII Ms. Pragyan S. Mr. Jeetesh Rathore
VIII Ms. Poulami K. Mr. Arunendra Chaturvedi
IX Ms. Snehalatha D. Ms. Priya Gounder
X Ms. Pratibha A. Mr. Vishnu Kapse

The Kaveri ICSE International School aims at imparting a sound education for the development of the entire personality of the child. Hence, education is directed towards the training of pupil’s intellectual, moral, emotional, physical and aesthetic faculties.

The Kaveri ICSE International School aims at making the child capable and responsible for:

1.     Being a good citizen.

2.     Attaining sound health in mind and body.

3.     Respecting their peers and the educators by being polite and well mannered.

4.     Striving to achieve excellence in all fields.

5.     Attaining self-confidence and contributing to the well-being of the community.

  1. Parents/ Guardians are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that the management reserves the right to say on what conditions they will admit or retain pupils in their schools.
  2. Pupils must take the permission from the school if they want to join any association/ club outside the school. Failing this they will not be granted any leave to participate in those activities/functions.
  1. Every pupil must attend the school regularly and punctually. Once the pupil comes to school, he/she will not be allowed to be taken home under any pretext.

  2. All the pupils must be present on the reopening day. Non-availability of travel accommodation will not be accepted as the reason for joining the school late. Unless prior permission is obtained, the absentees would be fined Rs. 50/- per day.

  3. In case of absence, on returning to school the pupil must bring a note in the calendar only for up to 3 days. For more than 3 days, a Leave Note from the parents/guardians certifying to the fact must be brought on an A4 size  sheet In case the leave note is not brought the child will remain out of class till it is submitted.

  4. Leave will be granted only for medical reasons and sports (representing the school.)

    1. A pupil who has been suffering from an infectious disease must bring a medical certificate declaring him/her fit to go to school without the danger of infecting the fellow students. The principal should be informed if a student is likely to be absent for more than a week due to an illness as soon as possible.

    2. If the child shows even the slightest indication of illness he/she should not be sent to school.

  5. Pupils must look after their own belongings. Coats, bags, umbrellas, raincoats and notebooks should be marked with the name and class of the owner. A label bearing the child’s name, standard and section must be attached to the inside of the sweater. It is not advisable for a child to have any cash or other valuable articles with him/her while in the school.

  6. Any damage done to school property must be remedied at the cost of the offender.<p.

  7. The school gates will be closed at 8:30 a.m. No child will be permitted to enter the premises thereafter.

On Kaveri ICSE International School days, for school functions and during the examinations, each pupil must wear a clean uniform. Watches are not allowed.

  1. For Boys – Close haircut, uniform, black belt, beige socks and black shoes.

  2. For Girls – Hair tied back with a black nylon band. No fancy hairstyle is allowed. Uniform, beige socks, black shoes.

The child should be in complete uniform whenever he/she comes to school, be it on a holiday, or for any other reason. Each pupil should have at least two sets of uniform

1. Once every term, parents are invited to meet the teachers and discuss their child’s progress. The date of the meeting will be notified during the term.

2. School Planner-cum-Calendar are important means of communication with parents. Please refer to them regularly.

1.     Homework-The homework in the diaries and the General Remark Page must be signed every Friday by the parents/guardians as a proof of having read them.

2.     On no account can the Parents/Guardians/Attendants of the children go to the classes directly to meet the teachers during the working hours. They must see the Supervisor, who will deal with the matter. Parents may meet teachers only with prior appointment.

3.     Parents are requested to co-operate with the school with the discipline and behaviour of their wards. Carrying of CDs and Cassettes is strictly prohibited. Parents are requested to check their wards’ bags periodically.

4.     Parents should also take a keen interest in the pupils’ preparation of daily lessons.

5.     It is the duty of the parents to ensure that their wards come to school in clean uniform, neatly dressed, and in time for class.

6.     Parents/Guardians are requested to inform the school authorities in case of any change in their address or telephone number.

7.     When writing to the Principal, parents are requested to mention the standard in which their children are studying.

8.     No pupil shall take Private Tuitions from Kaveri International School teachers.

9.     Parents/Guardians are requested to not take their wards away from the school during the working hours unless their wards are unwell.

10.  Parents/ Guardians must ensure that they come well in time to take their wards home from school. Long delays put the children and the school in difficulties.

1.     Promotions are decided on the basis of the results of the final examination combined with the work done during the year as well as the results of other tests.

2.     To secure promotion to the next standard, pupils must secure a minimum of 35% marks average, in each subject.

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