1. Homework-The homework in the diaries and the General Remark Page must be signed every Friday by the parents/guardians as a proof of having read them.
2. On no account can the Parents/Guardians/Attendants of the children go to the classes directly to meet the teachers during the working hours. They must see the Supervisor, who will deal with the matter. Parents may meet teachers only with prior appointment.
3. Parents are requested to co-operate with the school with the discipline and behaviour of their wards. Carrying of CDs and Cassettes is strictly prohibited. Parents are requested to check their wards’ bags periodically.
4. Parents should also take a keen interest in the pupils’ preparation of daily lessons.
5. It is the duty of the parents to ensure that their wards come to school in clean uniform, neatly dressed, and in time for class.
6. Parents/Guardians are requested to inform the school authorities in case of any change in their address or telephone number.
7. When writing to the Principal, parents are requested to mention the standard in which their children are studying.
8. No pupil shall take Private Tuitions from Kaveri International School teachers.
9. Parents/Guardians are requested to not take their wards away from the school during the working hours unless their wards are unwell.
10. Parents/ Guardians must ensure that they come well in time to take their wards home from school. Long delays put the children and the school in difficulties.